Lidia Straschko
Head of Customer Experience


I’ve been part of the Yarris team since July 2021. As well as business development for Dazychain I also lead the account management function for Dazychain. I provide ongoing one-on-one customer training sessions so our customer understands exactly how Dazychain will save them time, become more knowledgeable in the system and make their life easier.

After a short stint in business college after leaving school, I found myself very attracted to the fashion industry and spent 20 years owning and operating four retail outlets as well as two award-winning restaurants. As the saying goes, “to everything there is a season”, and time, tide and tech innovation led me to close my fashion retail outlets to pursue a career in sales and tech. 

What I love most about my job is how tech is used to establish a culture that leans toward change. The team here at Yarris are not elements of the organization but are the organization. I love that! 

The most challenging aspect of my job is learning every facet of technology used and developed by Yarris. Much like learning another language. There is always something new to discover. 

Today, with tech keeping much of the world running, I do hope I get to stay in the ever changing space of technology! 
Outside and away from computer screens, you’ll either find me in the kitchen, fermenting or discovering and cooking unusual dishes. You might also find me in my garden or my home yoga room. This past year has also found me returning to the violin. Not too sure that the neighbours may be enjoying it though.